
Privacy policy

Description based on Personal Information Protection Law

Business Agent Co., Ltd. established the regulations below for Web registration.Please confirm and register it by consent.
Handing of personal information is voluntary. However we may not register in case you don’t hand in personal information.
The purpose of use of personal information is only below

  • For temporary personnel business and business of outplacement
  • For business of employment screening in case of applying for employment
  • Employment management
  • For Business which is related to the service that customers want us to provide(certificate issuance, applying for provisional registration, applying for a present and so on)
  • Provision of information from us.(provision of the information which is related to our service, News of promotion and seminar, opinion/question and so on)
  • Marketing and investigation which is related to our service(opinion collection like a questionnaire survey)
  • Contact in case of emergency or accident occurrence

Furthermore provision of information is voluntary, but there may be cases where we cannot offer our service.
We appropriately manage personal information by using protection measure for loss, corruption, falsification and leak.
Personal information which is handed can not be returned in any case.

There may be cases where we deposit the personal information with specialized agency which reaches same level or a certain level of privacy protection framework within the limits of purpose of use or paper work which are related to employment management.

Besides due to outsourcing which we accepted the personal information which is outsourced is used within the limits of execution of the operation.

The personal information which we deposit is not provided to third party without consent of the person.
However we could provide the information in the case below.

  • Cases in which e show or notify the person the necessities, as a result of that we obtain the consent.
  • Cases in which We need to provide for legal duty which we should obey.
  • Cases in which the handling of personal information is specially necessary for improving public health or promoting the sound growth of children and in which it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person
  • Cases in which personal information is provided as a result of the succession of business in a merger or otherwise and cases in which personal information is handled within the scope necessary for the achievement of the Purpose of Utilization of the personal information concerned before the succession
  • Cases in which the provision of personal data is necessary for cooperating with a state institution, a local public body, or an individual or entity entrusted by one in executing the operations prescribed by laws and in which obtaining the consent of the person might impede the execution of the operations concerned

Please request by paper if you would like personal information disclosure.
We promptly disclose the information after identity verification.

If you would like personal information disclosure, please ask our branches.

However the cases falling under any of the following items shall not be subject to disclosure.

  • Cases in which the life, body, or property of a person or a third party might be threatened if presence or absence of the personal data concerned is revealed.
  • Cases in which illegal or unjust acts might be prompted or triggered if the presence or absence of the personal data concerned is revealed.
  • Cases in which national security might be undermined, mutual trust with foreign countries or international organizations might be damaged, or disadvantages when negotiating with other countries or international organizations might be brought about if the presence or absence of the personal data is revealed
  • Cases in which crime prevention, control, investigation or other maintenance of public safety and order might be impeded if the presence or absence of the personal data concerned is revealed.
  • Cases in which disclosure might seriously impede the proper execution of the business of the entity concerned handling personal information.(Ex:Evaluation information of our company, dispatching destination company or job offering enterprise)
